Local programs and services

Tuesdays, 6pm
An opportunity to explore the Christian faith in an environment where no question lacks importance. Come for a delicious supper (no charge), get to know people around the tables, watch an informative video presentation, and then join a small group to discuss. If you’re just starting to explore the Christian faith…or have been a believer for years…Alpha is for you.
Tuesdays, 6pm
Our DivorceCare group meets weekly for mutual support and encouragement for those separated or divorced.
Thursdays, 7pm
If you have experienced grief through the death of someone you love, then plan to attend GriefShare where others who know your pain will offer you support and encouragement.
3rd Sunday Supper
3rd Sunday of the Month, 5:00pm
This ministry reaches out to our street-level friends who are invited to come for a nutritious meal and a brief service of worship. Can you provide a welcome or share a meal to show Christ’s love?
New Life Ministry
Thursday, 9:30 am
A ministry to encourage, equip and draw women in the greater Fredericton area to Christ. If you have a heart to help then perhaps you could provide a snack, assist with childcare, lead a craft and/or be part of the prayer team to share your love and Christ’s!
Counseling CentreAt times, you may need encouragement or know someone who does. The services of the Brunswick Street Family Counselling Centre are designed to respond effectively to the concerns of individuals and families to help them solve their problems of living, loving, working, and personal growth in a manner consistent with the Christian faith.  We are committed to the concept that people are capable of dealing constructively with their issues if they first seek God’s help and are then given support through a process of understanding themselves, their relationships, and their personal circumstances more clearly.
Parish NursingA Parish Nurse is one who walks alongside to provide support on your journey toward wholeness.

  • You have concerns about your physical or emotional health
  • You don’t understand something your doctor has told you
  • You need information about community resources or health care options
  • You or someone in your family is ill or is hospitalized
  • You need health information
  • You are feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges
  • You desire prayer for health concerns